Thursday, April 8, 2010

???Time Traveling Anyone???

So I just got done watching, "The Time Traveler's Wife," and LOVED it! The storyline, the characters, the series of events that occured... Each time the main character Henry would travle back in time it was most likely to see his wife Claire. Although, he was able to travel back into the past he was unable to change the future. This became a major issue when he was told by his daughter who he met in the future that he would die...for the next five years Henry lived awaiting his death which was suppose to occur when his daughther Alba turned five. He tried as best he could to prepare both Claire and Alba for his death and also try to prevent it as well.

This movie just really have me thinking...what if due to what I know now, I could go back and warn myself to prevent me from making the mistakes I've already lived through. The most recent event I would like to change is the day I yet again lost my love due to my own selfishness and unawareness of what was truly important. Would the Amber that's in the past from a week ago would listen too me? What if she did and because I warned her things didn't go the way that god planned for them too and I screwed the whole thing up??? What if I could warn myself to stay away from harm, pain and hurt yet I would only be cheating because I wouldn't give myself the chance to actually live and learn from my mistakes...

Mistakes aren't meant to be undone. We make them only to learn from I can totally feel Alicia Keys when she sings, "Yes I was burned, but I call it a Lesson Learned, Mistakes overturned so I call it a lesson learned. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, their only lessons that are meant to be learned. That is all for now.